Haters Gon’ Hate, Numbers Don’t Lie: Iggy’s Top Moments of 2014

Iggy Azalea vs. Snoop Dogg

Next, in October, Snoop Dogg wanted to get in on the Iggy Azalea mayhem and posted a degrading image on his Instagram page dissing the rapper:

Snoop Dogg disses Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea clapped back at Snoop Dogg via Twitter and later deleted her tweets after Snoop issued a public apology:

Iggy responds to Snoop Dogg diss

About The Author

Hip Hop My Way

HipHopMyWay has a pulse on all things Hip Hop, and is now committed to showcasing NEW unsigned/undiscovered talent. Our mission is to give the culture of Hip Hop a reliable platform and community. We are a digital community where you can discover talent and new music from Independent Artists, Producers, Songwriters & DJ's. Vote for your favorite performers and help them win opportunities. We provide resources and tips from top industry experts to help educate our members.